Friday, April 29, 2011

Another New Blog

I have been created a new blog last 2 days ago and now I have 2 blogs.
It is a public blog but I will not provide the website address at here and for you to find out.
(I'm not playing mystery even though it is. Blek!)
The current blog I will continue to update as well.

I love my new blog because it has provided the function which is password protected.
You can either setting your post to public or password protected or even private.
The Blogger doesn't have this function, so sad...
And of course I won't abandon my Blogger because it has been with me for many years.

Desire to update about Prom Night event I have been attended 2 weeks ago but sadly I don't have time because final exam is coming soon. Have to study hard!

So, that's it. (LOL I'm boring!)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Thinking about to move my current blog to another.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


我已经是被朋友们公认最没耐性的人! 我自己也这么认为.
最近耐性越来越差, 一点点事都没办法等太久.

在停车场找位子parking时, 两分钟内如果找不到, 我会很气, 一直骂骂骂!
前面开车很慢的, 跟在后面的我, 很不幸的他会一直被我骂!
不好好驾车的人, 遇到我, 也会一直被我骂!
已经是绿灯了, 前面车还是不会动, 我会很气很气!

除了关于对车方面的事没耐性之外, 还有很多呢!
约会朋友, 朋友迟到10分钟, 我会很急很气!
肚子饿了(对吃我是最没耐性的了), 一定得马上找东西吃, 几乎没考虑到是否要人陪, 习惯了~
shopping时, 不喜欢在一间店呆上20分钟, 除非是我喜欢的.
走路是喜欢快步走, even is shopping, 每次都把朋友丢在后面.

还有很多很多! 说不完啊!

Song of the day

Friday, April 8, 2011


是为什么?  是因为你是伤我很深的人吗?
可以不可以  不要再出现在我梦里?


foundation学习生活就要结束了, degree学习生活就要开始了.
是幸福的? 是辛苦的? 是辛酸的? 是堕落的? 我有点不安.
我有想过, 如果为了不让自己再感到害怕和不安, 我真希望世界末日快点到来. 呵呵.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


好多压力...好多压力...我不能说我感到很压力, 我只能说好多压力.
感觉很多事情要做, 很多事情要解决, 但怎么的, 我做了大部分, 却感觉我永远做不完.

原以为很简单的事情, 面对的时候却不是那么的简单.
要想的很多, 要做的也很多.

紧逼的功课, 紧逼的考试.
解决一个, 另一个却赶上来.
