Monday, May 30, 2011


眨一下痛一下, 眨萬下痛萬下. ='(
不是生什麽 '眼財', 也沒紅紅腫腫的, 表面上看來什麽都沒有的. 爲什麽會這樣呢?
我check右眼上上下下都快盲了, 都没什麽发现, 就只是痛!
跟我媽說, 就罵我不要看太多電腦手機的 = ="
算了, 我明天自己去看醫生吧!
裏面恐怕是生了什麽蟲啊蚯蚓啊的. 呵呵.
頭髮長了, 尤其是劉海, 差不多要修剪了.
假期快結束了! =(

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


很迟来的post, 我只希望休息够了, 灵感来了, mood来了, 才开始动手写.

嗯...真的很快真的很快, foundation year 就这样结束了. 考最后 一张paper我还特地拍下这一幕.
ByeBye my friendssss

After that, 我和朋友们已经planned 好出去庆祝+Farewell.
我们十个人+我的hometown 朋友, MingYee 一起join我们玩.
Had a happy and warm dinner with them.
Edward and KarChing

照片只有那么一点, 我只选较好的, 多半都是在录影.

XiangLing, MingYee, Me

MingYee, PikHua, Me
(Im so huge. = =)

BeeTin and Zoey.

Me and MingYee

After that, 一半的人去clubbing 另一半的人去Jonker走走.
说真的, 那次是我玩得最疯最开心的一晚, 我从没跳得那么开心那么enjoy! 难忘啊!
XiangLing 是第一次去, 我必须看着她. 她整晚都很不习惯, 其中原因是我和她穿high heels太高了, 很受人注目她不习惯, LOL
还有她说不喝酒哪知却喝我的Vodka最多, 不简单哦~ hahaha...

The only picture took outside club.

累了, another group people 刚好call 来就去喝茶. 我很清醒我还能够驾车哦! ssshhhh
Okay, 我直接进入那天的重要部分吧!
喝完茶了, 要回了, 上了车, 很小心退后出车,哪里知道! 另一边的车退后很快却没看望后镜直接用它的Ass Kissed 我的左车门!
车里的人都吓死了! 我全部的朋友十多个人全部上前看发生什么事, 撞我车的男driver吓都吓死了, 他看起来很怕.
朋友们都很帮我, 我都不知道怎么应付这种场面, 好彩有他们. 谢谢他们!
没直接跟他charge, 留下contact number, took IC and license photos, 修好了再跟他charge, 希望他不会赖账.
真的很衰, 十天内发生两次轻微车祸.
(忘了拍下受伤的车 iissshhh)

Me and KarChing

Tehoh and Me

感想, 该说对于这Foundation year的感想了:

KarChing and Edward, 这两位笨朋友决定笨笨搬去Cyber读书, 原因很简单因为离家比较靠近. 很舍得丢下我们这些朋友, 不简单啊! kidding kidding =p... 嗯, 认识你们俩和其他的是我的荣幸, 很幸运的认识了你们, 教会了我不少, 幸好你们的emo没被传染给我, 这也是我开心的一部分, hahaha... 谢谢你们, 在课业上的帮忙, 包容我, 体谅我, 关心我, 照顾我, 保护我 和 不讨厌我. 如果有什么不对的地方, 希望你们忘了吧! 不要当一回事! hahaha...
上了degree, 又是各过各的生活, 重新认识新朋友新生活, 再十个人相聚的机会也会很少, 希望通过 '10' of us group 大家可以互相问候关心对方.
再此祝你们 永远快乐! 一切顺顺利利 身体健康 爱自己!

10 of us ❤

Thursday, May 19, 2011

iPhone/iPad/iPod's Games Introduction - II

Okay, another post to introduce iPhone/iPod games.
This week is my exam week and I was addicted to one iPhone game! It should not be the case! fml
So, what kind of game? Antrim Escape !!

WARNING : You are on a mission that requires Einstein's IQ! (yup, absolutely!)

Antrim Escape is a room escape game. The objective of the game is to find, combine and use designated items to solve puzzles and eventually find the exit of the room. In order to succeed the game, you have to comprehend on the functionality of iPhone (multi-touch, accelerometer…etc). With its realistic graphics, enticing storyline, intellect puzzles, and intuitive controls, it is a brand new experience to your previously played room escape games! The game will take you days or even weeks to solve the puzzles.

After finish all the chapters, there is also another episode, Antrim Escape II which is continues the previous one. 
iTunes - Antrim Escape II

I have solved all the chapters! Unbelievable! hahahah
Nah, of course not, I don't have Einstein's highest IQ and I am not genius.
Easy, get the solution from YouTube! Enter key words, then comes out many results, choose the best procedure explanation easy to understand.

Gonna try the another game : THOR

no need to study anymore.. teehee

Saturday, May 7, 2011


新认识的朋友, David


马六甲这几天都很热, 晚上也一样. 虽然有风, 但都是热风.
很想去shopping mall 吹冷气, 可是要读书.
很想去library 读书, 可是很麻烦.
只好在宿舍焖烧猪. LOL

很想明天出去走走, 关在宿舍读书快闷坏了.

Monday, May 2, 2011


妈说我瘦了, 我也觉得我瘦了.
每个人变得不肥也不瘦, 我却瘦下来了.
之前量过体重为56kg, 现在好奇是多少了.
奇怪, 我每天都有吃, 饿了就吃的.
但最近不懂怎么搞的, 没什么胃口吃.
一个人的分量, 我只吃了1/2 多就饱了.
甚至有时看到食物, 我就觉得饱了, 只想吃点点就好.
为什么? 平时胃口很开的我, 突然浪费起食物了.