Saturday, September 24, 2011


Left one more paper!
im so excited for my penang trip!
saw many ppl went for penang trip during their holiday in this year. why?
penang so famous nowadays? *curious curious

I wanna dance!
I wanna shake and move my body badly!
Where is my dancing soul?
Faster come back to mammy here~ XD
Do MMU have any dancing club or Melaka have any dancing studio?
I wan join!! 
I wan sweating. I wan exercise with dancing!
Since graduating from high school, I had never danced.
Jazz, HipHop, FreeStyle, etc
My college frens dunno i have dancing skill, i have to prove!

Conclusion, I wan dance!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


During study week 外来因素真的太多了!
不是去cinema, 就是去dinner
不是去clubbing/shopping, 就是去yamcha
不是对着电脑, 就是躺在床上
时不时会很多人特地来kacau我 =.="

我当然有对着书! 只是时间比较短, 一天对着5小时, 短吗?
感觉没什么可以读, 虽然事实上是有一大堆在等着我.
感觉准备好了, 可是还是感觉空空的.
别人在玩的时候, 我在读.
轮到我玩的时候, 别人在读.
是我安排的时间表不对吗? 还是...?

惨了... 等下还要去看戏...

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Final exam coming in 4 days~
Holiday coming in 2 weeks~
Oh yeah~ study hard PLAY HARD. haha

A happy girl with her favorite drink.
An easy girl. SMILE =D
High mood in this few days, wearing earphone listening clubbing songs booming my ears.
I dunno why, dun ask me why, dun STOP me too!

A best Taiwanese female singer! <3 <3

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I love this picture! silly girl n silly guy haha
Set as my iphone lock screen *teehee~

两年前吧  我才发现原来和人面对面讲话是要看着别人的眼睛的, 这是礼貌.

你试过吗? 和别人聊天时你会无意识看着别人的嘴巴, 不然就是看着别人脸上其中的特点.
恢复意识的时候会觉得很尴尬, 想说为什么我不是看着别人的眼睛说话?
会不会很没礼貌啊? 别人会怎么想我呢?

我经历过, 相信每个人都有经历过.
在这之前我不觉得有什么, 只是奇怪我为什么看着别人脸其它的部位.
"当朋友和你聊心事或只是聊天时, 在你没开口的时候, 你只需望着对方的眼睛, 用心的去聆听, 让对方觉得你是诚心诚意的在听. 说不定在对方的心目中你会是很好的倾听者."

当然没叫你用力地, 瞪大着眼睛望着对方聆听啊!
试想想, 你是倾诉者, 你在说话的时候朋友瞪大着眼睛望着你, 你有何感想? "这人是中邪了是吗? 我欠了他吗? 干嘛瞪大眼睛望着我啊?"

看了那篇文章后, 从此我就只望着别人的眼睛说话!
不过有时...望望下, 会觉得害羞 LOL! 不要问我为什么, 因为我也不知道. XD

so far is normal pose...

haha abnormal now~~

gonna K book liao~
*Jia nah~ =D

Monday, September 12, 2011

iPhone Blogger App

Ya, I'm using iPhone's blogger app to update my blog. How is the result I still dunno coz I'm using now. LOL

This app helps blogger easily to post a short and quickly post, can't modify much also. Quite convenience for some bloggers. Hmmm so far so good.
I think the bad thing is I can't adjust the position of my picture. And I think that this app suitable for travel blogger or current-position blogger who really wanna share some interesting things for their readers immediately.

For me, I like to share my bullshit things in my life, nothing special nothing funny thing to share also. I'm not that rich not that hyperactive travel everywhere and attend or participate any activities and events. So nothing sharing. And I'm single, can't share any happiness also, wtf =="

Stop here, finish sharing bullshit thing, LOL.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


期待头发越来越长 呵呵

朋友拍拖的拍拖, 出国的出国, 读书的读书, 宅在家的继续宅!
昨天才去马六甲, 买了很多, 打算这个拜五去KL, 现在不能了!
说什么那天会很塞车, 爸不给.
我真是乖, 他说是就是, 说不是就不是, 说不能就不能, 我只能点头.
他是皇帝, 我是奴才. 只能服从, 不服就斩头, haha~

hahahaha sah-yo-na-rah~
byebye my good result~

朋友从KL回塞着车还是特地转进Senawang买给我吃, 我要求的. 
hehe.. thx lor~